Partner Benefits
Access Your Partner Benefits
AMISA Partner Membership provides access to rewarding benefits, helping you connect with AMISA Member Schools.
View the benefits chart and benefits descriptions below.
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Partner Benefits Chart
General Benefits | Conference Exhibitor Benefits
There are two categories of Partner Benefits: General benefits and Conference Exhibitor benefits.
General benefits are utilized throughout the membership year. Conference exhibitor benefits are only available to partners who register as an exhibitor at an AMISA conference.
General Partner Benefits
General Partner Benefits may be used by partners throughout the membership year, which runs from July 1 - June 30. From hosting a webinar with AMISA educators to writing as a guest blogger on the AMISA blog, general benefits connect our Partners with our member schools in engaging ways, leading to impactful, long-term relationships! Read the descriptions below.
Recognition on our Website
All AMISA Partners will have their company name, logo (hyperlinked to company website), representative name and representative email listed on the AMISA website on the Partner Members page.
It is the Partner’s responsibility to inform AMISA of any changes in logo or representative information by using the Membership Benefits Request Form.
Logo Featured on our Website Homepage
AMISA Platinum Partners will have their company logo featured on the homepage of the AMISA website throughout the membership year. The logo is hyperlinked to the company website.
Platinum - Yes
Gold - No
Silver - No
Host a Virtual Meeting
Engage in powerful discussions with AMISA educators and school leaders by organizing and hosting a virtual meeting. Partners may choose to host one of the following types of virtual meetings/webinars:
Professional Learning: focus on a specific element/theme of professional learning with the intent of enhancing the professional learning of participants.
Product/Service: focus on specific products and services offered by AMISA Partners with the intent of bringing products and services to schools.
All partners (regardless of level) are limited to one virtual meeting in any one month, unless prior approval is given by AMISA.
Platinum - 6 per membership year
Gold - 4 per membership year
Silver - 2 per membership year
Marketing Email blast (eblast)
This email will be sent from AMISA to all members (who have opted into emails). It is a great chance to get specific messaging directly to the end user. The email can be targeted to a specific group, i.e., Secondary Principals, School Counselors, or Curriculum Coordinators.
The email content is created by you. We will copy and paste your content into one of our eye-catching email templates. Be sure to include contact information so that schools may reach out to your company.
Platinum - 4 per membership year
Gold - 2 per membership year
Silver - 1 per membership year
Social Media Posts
Partners may submit a social media post to be shared on AMISA’s social media platforms. Specific platform depends on Partner Member's preference.
Platinum - 6 posts per membership year
Gold - 4 posts per membership year
Silver - 2 posts per membership year
Guest Blogger
The AMISA Blog attracts a wide audience of educators and school leaders. If your company would like to share its unique expertise on a topic related to international education, we’d love to receive your blog post submission via the Membership Benefits Request Form.
Submissions requirements:
The blog post submission should include a brief author bio (including name, company name, title, and photo) must be included with your submission.
Your guest blog post should not be reposted in its entirety on another blog. You may reference the original blog but not simply repost the original blog post.
The number of blog posts you may submit in one calendar year is dependent upon your membership level. All partners (regardless of level) are limited to one blog post per month, unless approved by AMISA.
Include proper attribution to third-party content, providing clickable links to source whenever possible.
Blog post submissions must be submitted 3 weeks prior to the requested publication date to allow time for review and scheduling.
Please note that AMISA reserves the right to edit and adjust your guest blog post as needed.
Platinum - 6 posts per membership year
Gold - 4 posts per membership year
Silver - 2 posts per membership year
Partner Ads and Offers
Have a special offer for our member schools or an exclusive educator deal? We'd like to help spread the word by placing your ad/offer on our Partners Ads and Offers page.
Please note that you can have up to two offers displayed on our website at a time, and you can submit an ad/offer on a quarterly basis (up to 4x per year).
The ad submission must be in jpeg or png format in size W: 1500 x H: 2000.
AMISA Radio Podcast Feature
Be a guest on AMISA Radio, a podcast dedicated to international educators in the AMISA region. Submit an idea or topic for your chance to be a special guest on AMISA radio.
Conference Exhibitor Benefits
Conference Exhibitor Benefits are available to partners exhibiting at an AMISA event. In order to exhibit at an AMISA event, you must be an approved AMISA partner. Read the descriptions below.
Recognition at events
All Exhibitors will be recognized on the conference website and/or conference app and be recognized during the conference. Additional recognition will be provided to event sponsors.
Learn more about AMISA event sponsorship opportunities.
Exhibitor table included in event registration
An exhibitor table is included with event registration.
Early Access to Event Participant Lead list
Platinum and Gold partner exhibitors will get early access to the conference participant list.
Platinum - Yes
Gold - Yes
Silver - No
Free Event Registration
AMISA invites Partner Members to attend our annual conferences: Educators' Conference, School Operations Conference, and Governance Conference. Each free event registration applies to one representative.
Platinum - 2 per membership year
Gold - 1 per membership year
Silver - Not Applicable
Preferential Exhibitor Location
Platinum Partner Exhibitor table will be placed in a preferential location for high visibility and increased exposure.
Preferential Proposal Acceptance for Presentations
AMISA Partners have preferential acceptance for proposals submitted to present a workshop at one of our conferences. Proposals must follow submission guidelines outlined on the proposal application, be well developed, and align to the conference theme.
Featured in Conference Social Media Posts
All Partner Exhibitors attending the conference will be announced in social media posts prior to the event.
Featured in Conference Blog Post
All AMISA Partner Exhibitors will be featured in a blog post prior to the AMISA Educators’ Conference.