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Welcoming Students with High Fives

Welcoming Students with High Fives

By Esther Clark, Director of External Relations, Academia Cotopaxi, Quito

Photos by Gabriel Cadenas

Sometimes it’s the small things that make a big difference. A smile, a hug, a gesture of gratitude… On Monday, administration, parents, faculty and staff at Academia Cotopaxi created a “high five” line to receive students as they arrived for their first day of school. As the campus filled with students, so did a wave of emotions as our learning community began their very first day of classes: excitement, anxiety, happiness, and nostalgia for days gone by.

Monday’s “high five” line was something unplanned. Usually the small things are. We don’t plan to smile or wave at a friend passing by; it just happens. But the environment has to be “right” for small gestures like this. As Academia Cotopaxi continuously evolves as a learning community, we embrace a culture of collaboration and excellence and it is within this environment that the small things – such as welcoming students with high fives – make a big difference!


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