AASSA bestows an annual award on the individual who, in the opinion of the Board, best represents the following qualities and endeavors:
Leadership for learning–creativity in successfully meeting the needs of students in international schools
Communication–strength in both personal and organizational communication
Professionalism–constant improvement of administrative knowledge and skills, while providing professional development opportunities and motivation to others in the field of international education
Enhancing AASSA–significant contributions to AASSA as an international organization
This year the Board selected TWO recipients because of their outstanding contributions to the AASSA region:
Bill Pearson and Steve Herrera

Bill Pearson has been in the AASSA region for the past 12 years as the Superintendent of the International School of Curitiba. Prior to coming to our region and in addition to 14 years in the State of Washington, Bill spent 14 years as an administrator in Asia serving in Beijing, Osaka and Singapore as well as 5 years in Saudi Arabia. Bill has served 6 years on the AASSA Board and was instrumental to AASSA’s financial success in his role as Treasurer.
Steve Herrera has worked in the AASSA region for 24 years, starting his career as an athletic director at Colegio Roosevelt in Lima. He went on to work at Cotopaxi Academy in Quito, ASFG in Guadalajara, and was then hired as Upper School Principal at Escola Americana de Campinas where he has served for 17 years in administration, the last 12 of which has been as Superintendent. Steve served as the Secretary of the AASSA Board for 6 years and hosted one of the largest AASSA Educators’ Conferences in the region’s history in 2011. Steve will assume the role of Superintendent of the American International School of Dhaka, Bangladesh in July 2016.
All the best to two of our region’s true leaders.