Consultant Members
The AMISA Consultant Search Service goal is to assist member schools with professional development needs for faculty and/or staff at a reasonable price and provided by practitioners from other schools in the region.
No fees will be charged or paid for the consultancy, and the consultant will be given release time from their home school.
The sponsoring school will provide airfare, ground transportation, room, board, and a local artisan gift of appreciation to the consultant
Schools may utilize the consultancy solely in-house. However, at the school’s discretion and should there be open spaces for additional participants, the in-service may be opened and advertised to other member schools for participants to attend (a small fee for participant materials and meals during the session days may be charged based upon actual costs).
1) Member schools looking for a regional practioner consultant fill out an online Consultant Request form (see below) and submit it to AMISA at least 90 days prior to the planned PD
2) Request is reviewed and approved or declined
3) If the request is approved, AMISA emails all Heads of School and Curriculum Coordinators in the region requesting names and contact information of qualified faculty and/or staff member to fulfill the consultant role. *Permission from the HOS is required for the consultant’s release time
4) Potential consultant contact information from member schools' will be forwarded to the requesting (host) school so they may communicate directly with potential consultants and the HOS. Communication should occur to assess the qualifications and “fit” of the consultant to fulfill the schools’ need and to arrange and agree on dates, details, etc. for Professional Development to occur
Please note that it is the requesting school's responsibility to fully assess and determine the potential consultant’s skills and qualifications to provide meaningful Professional Development (AASSA takes no responsibility and/or liability for the skills, qualifications and character of the consultant selected by the school)
It is also suggested that the host school and consultant sign an agreement for the workshop and you can modify the “Sample Letter of Agreement for Workshop” or create your own
5) Within two weeks after the PD occurs the Final Report Form, Summary of Workshop Evaluations, and an article with several pictures will be submitted by the host school for publishing on the AASSA Blog – Please see the “Workshop Evaluation Form," "Summary Results of Evaluations” and the “AASSA Consultant Service Final Report”
6) To utilize the AASSA Consultant Search Service please fill out the online Consultant Request Form. *Please note - prior to filling out the online request you should have the following information available for input:
General Information
Name of School
Location (City, Country, etc.)
School Phone Number
Name of Person Making Request
Position of Person Making Request
Email Address of Person Making Request
Name of Head of School (HOS)
Email Address of HOS
Name of Main Contact / Workshop Coordinator
Email Address of Main Contact / Workshop Coordinator
Information Regarding the Consultancy
Subject Area / Specific Topic / Need
Length of Consultancy (# of Days)
Proposed Workshop Date - From:* (mm/dd/yyyy)
Proposed Workshop Date - To:* (mm/dd/yyyy)
Proposed Travel Dates for Consultant (To and From Host School)
Audience (Teachers, Staff, IT, etc.)
Approximate # of Participants
Facilities Available for Workshop Use
Please include any additional information (below) you consider pertinent for potential consultants and AASSA to know