School Videos
One of AASSA’s goals is to increase the exposure of our region and our schools. An initiative to promote AASSA schools by featuring videos on our blog which tell each school’s story has been underway since the beginning of the school year. These could be promotional videos which you probably already have, student-produced videos, even a video giving a walk-around campus tour. Additionally, videos capturing your host city or country could be uploaded. The blog is searchable online and we will also connect this with our social media platforms (currently Twitter and Facebook) so this casts your shadow literally worldwide in a variety of ways.
To date, about half of our schools have submitted videos!
It’s easy to do:
Add a description to the video file which includes your school website as further information
Send the link and embed code to me at ppoore@aassa.com (by sending the link and embed code, you give permission to AASSA to make a copy of video file to re-upload to the AASSA vimeo channel)
Database of Regional Educators to Serve as Consultants
During the second half of this year, AASSA will begin compiling a database of master teachers and administrators who are willing to offer consultancies to other AASSA schools. Approval of the head of school will be required both as a testament to the consultant’s expertise in the area and also in agreeing to their release once or twice a year for consultancies. Stay tuned….