September 1 & 2
EABH Assessment Institute
Join EABH staff in a two-day institute around assessment with Dr. Thomas Giskey! This is an onsite learning opportunity hosted by the American School of Belo Horizonte!
Time & Location
September 1 & 2
EABH, Av. Professor Mário Werneck, 3301 - Buritis, Belo Horizonte - MG, 30575-180, Brazil
About the Event
EABH - The American School of Belo Horizonte will host an Assessment Summit with Dr Thomas Guskey on September 1-2. Dr. Guskey is a renowned scholar, author, and consultant, specializing in educational assessment and grading. His vast experience and research in this field have significantly influenced how we understand and approach assessment practices in educational settings. Dr. Guskey's presence at our Summit will undoubtedly provide invaluable knowledge and inspiration to enhance our assessment methodologies and student learning outcomes. This event is intended for Upper School Teachers and Administrators.